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- Welcome To AmFinger 1.3
- (c) 1997 Philip Law
- pdlaw@amigaworld.com
- Introduction
- ============
- What is the finger protocool?
- -----------------------------
- By Fingering a host, you are able to find out a list of all the people
- who are logged onto that machine. You will be presented with a list users
- and if you wish, you can finger an individual user and find out his/her
- name, address, phone number etc. Basically that's all the finger protocool
- was invented for. A bit boring really for everday users such as you and me.
- The real reason I wrote AmFinger, was to check the status of your ISP. By
- fingering your an address (available from your ISP) you should be able to
- find out a list of problems or latest news from it. If you've got no idea
- about what the hell I am going on about then why don't you try to finger :
- status@gate.demon.co.uk
- By fingering this address you should hopefully have more of a clue about
- what I am talking about.
- Requirements
- ============
- What does AmFinger need to run?
- -------------------------------
- To run AmFinger you need the following :
- OS 2.04 or above.
- MUI 3.6 or above. (available from aminet)
- A compatable TCP/IP stack such as Miami, AmiTCP or AS225r. (available from aminet)
- Installation
- ============
- How Do I install AmFinger?
- --------------------------
- The easiest way to install AmFinger is to run the provided installation script for
- which I am gratefull to Mr Robert 'RobR' Reiswig for writing. If you experience any
- problems with the install script then please drop an e-mail to :
- vgr@best.com
- Please include as much detail in the bug report as you possible can.
- Are there any other ways of installing?
- ---------------------------------------
- Of course there are other ways of installing manually. Just copy the 'Amfinger'
- executable file into a location of you choice along with the docs, guides, readmes
- etc andmake sure that you copy the files :
- mui/busy.mcc into MUI:libs/mui
- mui/term.mcc into MUI:libs/mui
- That's it ! Just run AmFinger from the location that you installed it in.
- Operation
- =========
- How do I work it?
- -----------------
- Quite simple really. Either type in just a host in the address stringobject or type
- in a user@host, hit the finger button and you are away.
- The abort button aborts the connection.
- The clear button clears the terminal.
- Menus
- =====
- The AmFinger Menu
- -----------------
- Finger Address :
- This is the same as hitting the Finger button. It starts an attept to finger the
- address in the stringobject.
- Clear Screen :
- Clears the terminal of all text.
- Save Contents As... :
- This enable you to save the contents of the terminal as an ASCII text file. You can
- then load the file into a word processor or text editor for printing or editing
- purposes.
- About AmFinger... :
- Contains a list of credits of who helped during development.
- About MUI :
- Brings up information about MUI.
- Iconify :
- Iconifies AmFinger.
- Quit :
- No prizes for guessing what this does.
- The Buffer Menu
- ---------------
- Copy To Clipboard :
- Use the left mouse button to highlight a section of text. Then chose copy to clipboard
- and the contents highlighted will be copied to the clipboard. You can then use the paste
- function in other applications to paste the contents in.
- The Settings Menu
- -----------------
- AmFinger Settings :
- Takes you to the AmFinger settings window where you can configure the colours for the
- terminal. Click on the coloured bar and select which colours you want. Clicking OK
- changes the colours, Cancel aborts them.
- MUI Settings :
- Takes you to the MUI setting for AmFinger. For more information on how to use consult
- the MUI documentation.
- Save Settings :
- This sabes all the address that are in the address columns.
- Address Storing
- ===============
- How do I save my addresses?
- ---------------------------
- Click on the popup object at the right of the stringobject. You will see a load of
- columns and some buttons. Add enables you to add an address, edit enables you to edit
- and address, remove removes the selected one and sort sorts the list into alphabetical
- order.
- Adding an address is so simple that it needs no documentation.
- Regsitering
- ===========
- AmFinger was part of early NetConnect CD versions. A clause in my contract
- means that I cannot release it to the public for free and so I have to chrage
- something. I didn't really want to make a monetary price on it so I thought
- of the idea of making it giftware.
- To register simply send a SMALL gift to me. I would say that something costing
- around £5 or your country's equivalant would be the maximum. You can send gifts to :
- Philip Law
- 32 Cope Close
- Elms Rise
- Botley
- Oxford
- OX2 9AJ
- England
- If you would prefer to send me a registered version of one of your programs in
- return for a registered AmFinger then this is also fine. Just mail me at
- pdlaw@amigaworld.com.
- A Note To NetConnect Users
- ==========================
- All updates are free to NetConnect users. AmFinger should detect that NetConnect
- is present on your system. However if you still get the requestors pop up asking
- you to register then please mail me at pdlaw@amigaworld.com and don't forget to
- include your regsitration number.
- Credits
- =======
- The documentation was done by the author (Philip Law) <pdlaw@amigaworld.com>
- Amigaguide conversion by Jouko Kieho <jouko.kieho@surffi.net>
- Thanks to all the people in the about window :-)
- Mathias Mischler for term.mcc.
- Klaus Melchoir for busy.mcc
- A special thanks goes out to Oliver Wagner, the author of AmIRC, Voyager-NG,
- AmTalk, Microdots I & II, AmigaNCP and the rest :-) He helped me loads by letting me
- use his TCP/IP code to make AmFinger universally compatable with all TCP/IP stacks
- for the Amiga. He also helped in other respects.
- Look out for his programs at http://www.vapor.com